Theatre Directing



Theatre Directing Programs
In partnership with Playwrights Horizons Theater School, The Clubbed Thumb Directing Fellowship is a five-month new play directing intensive, under the mentorship of alumni artists Anne Kauffman, Daniel Aukin and Adam Greenfield.
Fellows develop new 30 to 40 minute plays by commissioned Clubbed Thumb playwrights over the course of a semester with Playwrights Horizons Theater School student and alumni performers, in barebones, classroom settings. Then, they build on this work with workshop productions of the same plays with professional actors, presented for industry audiences at Winterworks.
Business Ideas by Milo Cramer. With Layla Khoshnoudi, María Victoria Martínez, Brooke Bloom and Crystal Finn, Designer – Raphael Mishler
The Roundabout Directors Group was created to offer resources and provide career assistance to early career directors for the American Theatre who have traditionally been denied equitable opportunities in the theatre industry. Building on the work begun through the Roundabout Directing Fellowship, the group will create artistic community for directors at similar stages of their careers, fostering camaraderie, lateral mentorship, access to expanded professional networks, and insight into the workings of a large not-for-profit institution.
Support for the Directors Group and all of Roundabout's Artists in Residence programming is generously provided by the Leon Levy Foundation.

Directing AUDIO PLAY
Written by Karina Billini, directed by Andrés López-Alicea
featuring Susanna Guzman & Luz Ozuna
Hay plantas que curan y hay plantas que matan. There are plants that cure you and then there are plants that kill you. And lucky for the ailing Dominicans who frequent her botanica, Trinidad knows the difference. She hasn't had a single complaint about her herbal remedies and Papa Jesus-verified consultations. Until Paola and Mount Sinai come knocking at her door.
Sound Design: Jack Mullin | Sound Engineer: Caroline Eng

Music Video Directing