alfredo gris
This play, written in 1968, plays between farce and the absurd, where a death row inmate is unaware of the cause of his imprisonment and lives between fights and pacts with his cellmate, while learning to defend his living space and seeking justification for his imprisonment. The Death of Alfredo Gris presents us with a social and emotional critique, in which we can all feel identified. We hide who we are to please an individual, a system, a religion, and ultimately, ourselves. Who really is Alfredo Gris?
Written by Rodolfo Santana
Produced by Universidad de Puerto Rico, Directing Class
Hiram Delgado, Americo Céspedes, Luis Ponce, Adriana Ruscalleda
Set Design: Ken Chinea, Costume Design: Xavier Carmona, Lighting Design: Gabriel Eduardo Jiménez, Angelina E. Rodríguez, Joely Marcano, Marina Vargas Asistente en Dirección y Regidora: Yadiliz Barbosa, Porps: Camille Malavé Molina, Make Up Design: Jonathan Amaro